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Milk Burger Buns

  • Summer
  • Quick & Easy
Milk Bun
  • 4 hr

  • Serves 8

  • Moderate

  • V

A Yeo take on a milk bun, we created a simplified version of the traditional Japanese recipe. The milk and small amount of butter gives a slight sweetness to these soft, fluffy buns; the perfect companion to our burgers.



1. Line a high-sided baking tin (20x30cm) with baking parchment.

2. Pour the milk into a saucepan and warm it over low heat until it's just warm to the touch. Once the milk is warmed through, take the pan off the heat and stir in the yeast.

3. In a separate bowl, combine the flour, sugar, and salt until they're well mixed.

4. If you're using a stand mixer, attach the dough hook and run the mixer while adding your egg and the milk mixture, to your dry mix. If you're making the dough by hand, start by mixing with a spoon and then use your hands to bring the mixture together.

5. Knead the dough for 2 minutes before you start adding your butter one cube at a time. The dough should be fairly wet and sticky when finished. You can add a little more milk if it seems too dry or a little more flour if it seems too wet.

6. Continue kneading the dough for 10-15 minutes until it becomes stretchy and elastic. You can test if the dough is ready by taking a small piece and gently stretching it. If the dough stretches thin enough that you can see light through it (known as the windowpane test), then it's ready. You may need to knead a little longer depending on your technique.

7. Once you're happy with your dough, place it in a well-oiled bowl, cover it, and leave it somewhere warm to rise for 2 hours.

8. After 2 hours, your dough should have doubled in size. Tip the dough onto a lightly floured surface and briefly knock back the air by folding it in on itself for 10 seconds. Divide your dough into 8 equal balls, place them in your lined tin, cover them, and leave them to rise in a warm place for another hour.

9. Preheat your oven to 180 C (fan). After the second rise, your buns should have risen nicely. Generously brush each bun with milk, and if desired, you can sprinkle them with sesame seeds. Bake the buns for 20-25 minutes until they have risen further and turned golden.

10. Remove the buns from the oven and leave them in the tin for 20 minutes before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely.

11. You can keep your finished buns in an airtight container for up to 3 days, or you can freeze them for up to 2 months.

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In this recipe...

Unsalted Butter


Unsalted Butter in 200g size

Whole Milk

Whole Milk in 1 Litre size

Unsalted Butter


Unsalted Butter in 200g size

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