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Warm New Potato, Broccoli, Asparagus and Cheddar Salad

  • Spring
  • On the Side
Warm New Potato, Broccoli, Asparagus and Cheddar Salad
  • 45 mins

  • Serves 4

  • Beginner

  • V

This hearty but light salad, with baby new potatoes, vibrant broccoli, crisp asparagus and a sprinkle of Yeo Valley Organic cheddar is perfect as a side or simply a star on its own.


  • 500g baby new potatoes

  • 250g asparagus peeled and stalks trimmed

  • 250g sprouting broccoli trimmed

  • 4 shallots

  • 75ml red wine vinegar

  • salt and pepper

  • 1 teaspoon castor sugar

  • 10ml cold pressed rapeseed oil

  • sprig of thyme

  • sprig of rosemary

  • 200g Yeo Valley Organic Cheddar


1. Pre heat your oven to 200°C fan.

2. Peel and slice the shallots in rings, place into a mixing bowl, season with salt, pepper and a teaspoon of castor sugar and add the red wine vinegar, mix well and allow to marinade for 1 hour or more before using.

3. Cut the new potatoes in half and place in a saucepan, cover with cold water and add a pinch of salt. Bring to the boil and simmer for 10 minutes then drain.

4. Transfer the new potatoes to a baking tray, pick the leaves off the thyme and rosemary and roughly chop and scatter over the new potatoes. Drizzle with rapeseed oil and season with salt and pepper. Then place into an oven for approx. 25 mins until roasted and cooked.

5. While the new potatoes are roasting, blanch the asparagus and broccoli for 1-2 minutes in boiling salted water then refresh under cold water to stop them cooking further and retain their green colour. When cold, drain and then drizzle with rapeseed oil and season with salt and pepper.

6. Heat up a non-stick frying pan and pan fry the broccoli and asparagus for 2-3 minutes so they start to char slightly then remove from the pan.

7. When everything is cooked add the charred broccoli and asparagus to the tray of roasted new potatoes. Drain the shallots but keep the vinegar marinade, scatter the shallots over the potatoes and vegetables, then crumble or grate over the cheddar cheese.

Tips: This is a really versatile salad and you can add more components such as seasonal vegetables, salad leaves and fresh herbs.

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Mature Cheddar


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