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Summer Strawberry Meringues

  • Summer
  • Desserts & Baking
Recipe - Summer Strawberry Meringues
  • 3 hr

  • Serves 6

  • Beginner

  • V

A dreamy strawberry dessert – perfect for balmy summer months!



  • 600g caster sugar

  • 300g egg whites

The rest of the dessert


To make the meringues

1. Place the caster sugar on parchment paper, on a baking sheet, into the oven on 180c for 6-8 minutes until nice and hot.
2. Start to beat the egg whites until they begin to froth up and then gradually add the melted sugar into them.
3. Beat until cold and at the stiff-peak stage, then spoon onto a parchment paper lined tray in separate dollops before placing in the oven at 110c for approx. 2-3 hours

For the rest of the pudding

1. Whiz up the strawberries and the sugar with a hand blender and when nice and smooth pass through a fine sieve.
2. Whip the cream until nearly fully whipped and then add in the Strawberry Yogurt and half of the puréed strawberries.
3. Now dress in a big generous bowl with the meringues, drizzle over the remaining Strawberry purée and dust with icing sugar.
4. Place on sprigs of mint and wait for the whoops of delight when you place it in the middle of the table!

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In this recipe...

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