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Jubilee Trifle

  • Summer
  • Desserts & Baking
Recipe - Jubilee Trifle
  • 3 hr 30 mins

  • Serves 10

  • Beginner

  • V

Celebrate the Jubilee weekend with this quick-to-make but tasty to eat Mandarin Trifle.

We've used our Lemon Curd yogurt and double cream in this simple recipe, devised by our own chef team. It's a great alternative to the winning Platinum Pudding!

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezey!


The Trifle


  1. Slice the Swiss roll and add to the base of the trifle dish.

  2. Make the Jelly – follow the instructions on the packet and leave it to cool for 5-10 minutes.

  3. Add the jelly to the trifle dish and put in the fridge to set for 3-4 hours.

  4. Cut the amaretto biscuits into rough chunks. Add them to a mixing bowl and combine with the custard.

  5. Once the jelly has set add the custard and biscuit mix on top.

  6. Add the Lemon Curd Yogurt on top of the custard and biscuit mix.

  7. Strain 1 tin of mandarins and make the mandarin coulis by adding the strained segments to a saucepan with 2 tbsp water and 1 tbsp caster sugar. Bring to the boil and then simmer for 5 minutes until it has reduced and broken down. Mix the arrow root with a 1.5 tsp water and add it to the saucepan. Gently heat and keep stirring until it has thickened. Strain the other tin of mandarins and roughly chop them. Add them to the coulis and stir to combine. Add the juice of x1 lemon.

  8. Add the coulis on top of the lemon curd yogurt and round the edge of the trifle dish.

  9. Whip the double cream to soft peaks. Add the whipped double cream to the top of the trifle.

  10. Finish the trifle by grating over white chocolate and decorating with candied orange.

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In this recipe...

Double Cream

Double Cream in 220ml size

Lemon Curd Yogurt


Lemon Curd Yogurt  in 450g size

Double Cream

Double Cream in 220ml size

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