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Banoffee Cheesecake

  • Easter
  • Desserts & Baking
Recipe - Banoffee Cheesecake
  • 30 mins

  • Serves 12

  • Beginner

  • V

Celebrate Easter in style with this impressive Banoffee Cheesecake recipe. Feeling egg-stra fancy? Server yours in a cracked Easter egg shell.


The Cheesecake


  1. Break up the biscuits, they don't need to be completely fine.

  2. Mix the biscuits with the melted butter, then press them into a lined 25cm round tin to create a solid even base layer.

  3. Mix together the rest of the ingredients & pour over the buttery biscuit base!

  4. Chill for at least 2 hours and then 1 hour in the freezer

  5. Decorate with more grated chocolate & any other goodies you fancy! We used chocolate eggs to add to the Easter feel.

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In this recipe...

Double Cream

Double Cream in 220ml size

Greek Recipe 0% Fat Natural


Greek Recipe 0% Fat Natural  in 450g size

Salted Butter


Salted Butter in 200g size

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