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Raspberry Breakfast Pancakes

  • Spring
  • Quick & Easy
Recipe - Raspberry Breakfast Pancakes
  • 20 mins

  • Serves 3

  • Beginner

  • V

This is a great weekend breakfast, and a doddle to make. The recipe makes 18 small pancakes, so it’ll serve between 3 and 6 – depending on how hungry you are.



  1. Whisk the yogurt, lemon rind, egg yolks and butter together in a bowl and set aside for 10 minutes.

  2. Sift in the flour and salt and whisk until smooth, then, using a separate bowl, whisk the egg whites until stiff.

  3. Whisk a third of the egg white into the batter mixture until it’s well combined. Then use a metal spoon to fold in the remaining egg white, together with the raspberries.

  4. Heat a large frying pan and melt a little butter. Add spoonfuls of the batter to the pan, giving them plenty of space, and cook for one to two minutes or until bubbles appear. Flip them over and cook for a further one to two minutes. Remove the pancakes from the pan and keep them warm while you do the rest of the mixture – it should make about 16 small pancakes in all.

  5. Serve up, topped with some honey or maple syrup and raspberries.

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In this recipe...

Unsalted Butter


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Raspberry Yogurt


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