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Chocolate Mocha Cake

  • Winter
  • Desserts & Baking
recipe-photo-Chocolate Mocha Cake
  • 1 hr 20 mins

  • Serves 8

  • Beginner

  • V

This gorgeous, moist chocolate cake makes a great birthday cake or a wonderful dinner party pudding when served warm – perhaps with a dollop of our Greek Style Natural Yogurt, or our vanilla ice cream.


2 tbsp cocoa powder

2 tsp coffee granules

2 tbsp hot water

150g Yeo Valley Organic Unsalted Butter, softened

150g golden caster sugar

3 medium eggs, beaten

150g self-raising flour

1 tsp baking powder


  1. Grease and line the bases of two 17.5cm deep sided Victoria sandwich tins with greaseproof paper, then preheat the oven to 18OC / gas mark 4.

  2. Mix the cocoa powder and coffee with the hot water to form a paste, then leave to cool.

  3. Using a mixer, mix the butter and sugar until light and fluffy, then add the eggs a little at a time, followed by the chocolate mixture. Fold in the sieved flour and baking powder, divide between the tins and bake for approximately 25 mins until well-risen and the centre of the cake springs back when touched. Leave to cool before turning out.

  4. For the icing, melt the chocolate with the coffee and butter in a bowl over a pan of simmering water. Remove from the heat, allow to cool a little, then mix in the yogurt and sieved icing sugar. Leave on one side to cool completely, stirring now and again.

  5. Cut each cake in half horizontally and sandwich together with the chocolate icing. Use the remaining icing to completely cover the top and sides of the cake. Serve warm or cold.

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Unsalted Butter


Unsalted Butter in 200g size

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