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Recipe - Viennotta
  • 4 hr 45 mins

  • Serves 6

  • Moderate

  • V

Why have a Viennetta when you could make your own delicious Vie-not-ta! Indulge in this chocolatey delight filled with seasonal festive berries and crunchy Amaretti Biscuit from creative food writer and chef Claire Thomson.



  1. Scrunch up a large piece of greaseproof paper, dampen under a tap then un-scrunch & use to line a large loaf tin.

  2. Mix together dried fruit, candied peel & amaretti, put to one side.

  3. Bring a small saucepan of water to a simmer.

  4. Melt chocolate in a metal bowl over simmering water without the bowl touching the water until melted, place to one side somewhere warm enough to keep it melted.

  5. Use a hand mixer to whisk egg yolks, honey & 1 tbsp water together in a large metal bowl for 2 minutes until thickened, Place the bowl over the pan of simmering water without touching the water & whisk constantly until thick, pale & fluffy - usually 3 - 5 minutes. Continue whisking off the heat for 1 minute until slightly cooled.

  6. Mix ½ the yogurt & vanilla into the egg yolk mixture, then fold the remaining carefully to retain some air.

  7. Use a clean whisk & bowl to whisk egg whites until frothy, then add sugar spoon by spoon, whisking the whole time, until you have stiff peaks. Fold ½ the egg white meringue into the yogurt mixture, then carefully fold the remaining meringue in until completely combined with no lumps.

  8. Drizzle ¼ of the chocolate into the bottom of your lined tin, sprinkle with ¼ of the dried fruit mix.

  9. Spoon ⅓ of the yogurt mixture into the lined tin. Sprinkle ⅓ of the dried fruit mixture & melted chocolate.

  10. Continue for 2 more layers, finishing with a thick layer of drizzled chocolate.

  11. Place in the freezer for at least 4 hours, but ideally overnight.

  12. Remove from freezer for 10 minutes before serving.

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