Thursday 31st August 2023
5 Ways To Participate In Organic September On A Budget

Organic food ensures that both people, and the planet, are treated fairly. But shopping organically doesn’t have to break the bank. Read on for five ways to participate in Organic September on a budget.
1. Eat Better
As dairy farmers, we are passionate about the many nutritional benefits eating animal products has. However, by reducing your meat intake, and eating better quality (organic) meat, you’re ensuring a higher standard of animal welfare and environmental protection.
2. Have a Plan
Meal prepping is a great way to increase the number of organic products you cook each week. At the start of the week make a plan for each meal and what you’ll need to buy. This way when you’re in the supermarket you won’t be overwhelmed by all the different options, or have to throw away leftover food at the end of the week.
3. Use your Local Supermarket
Many big-name supermarkets now stock a wide range of organic products. Buying from your usual supermarket means it’s easier to make the swap in your weekly food shop. Head to our product pages to find out where you can buy Yeo Valley products!
4. Join an Organic Community
It is much easier to change habits when you have a support group. If your local area doesn’t have an organic community group, why not set one up? That way you can share tips and tricks on getting the best organic products at affordable prices. You could also chip in and bulk buy products to cut costs!
5. Get your Fingers Green
To be truly sure of the origins of a product, why not grow your own? This way you can learn more about the organic movement whilst ensuring you’re eating nutrient rich food. Take a look at our growing calendar here, for advice on how and when to grow different veg.